Occupational Health


Occupational Health has been serving the Tribal and North Star Casino employees since 2002.  Our focus is employee health and safety.  This includes accident/incident follow up, implementing the drug testing program, updating immunizations, managing Worker’s Compensation cases and providing pre-employment health screenings.  Our goal is to ensure an employee’s health is not being jeopardized by work duties, ensure an injured employee receives the proper health care, and ensure that the employer is informed of any work limitations.


We are a communication link between the employee, Human Resources, the physician and sometimes the insurance company.  We also provide health education to the employee as the job specifies.  Each employee is important and we are concerned with ny health issue, work related or non-work related.

You have 48 hours to report your injury or illness to your supervisor.


Just because it happened at work, doesn't mean it is compensable under W/C.  The illness or injury must be substantially related to your job duties.


A W/C report of injury must be filled out by your supervisor or manager.


You must go the Stockbridge-Munsee Health and Wellness Center if the injury/illness occurs during their normal business hours.  Costs incurred at other facilities, except in the event of an injury, will not be compensable.


Light-duty work accommodations, ordered by an authorized provider, are available throughout the Tribe.  An accommodation is temporary and does not have to be at your regular workplace, be your own job, be scheduled during your regular shift or be at your regular wage.


There are reductions in benefits for injuries that are alcohol or drug related.  This will soon change in no benefits.  Immediate post-accident drug screeners and breathalyzer tests will be ordered when appropriate. Injuries caused by "horseplay" will have reduced benefits and may subject you to disciplinary actions from your employer.


Failure to follow your treatment plan or recommendations/ limitations will result in a reduction or even denial of benefits.


Occupational Disease/Repetitive motion claims will be reduced or denied if you have not been employed for a significant period of time.  (See, Section EMP.04.19(d))


Worker's Compensation

Contact Information


(715) 253-2432


W12635 Cty Rd A

Bowler, WI 54416


Peggy Benes

Occupational Health Nurse

(715) 787-2547

[email protected]

Joleen Kroening

Occupational Health Assistant

(715) 793-5105

[email protected]