Tribal Operations from September 25th through October 13th, 2020 will be as follows.
Agricultural, Forestry and Land Management Offices are closed. Emergency contact for any of these services is Chad Miller at 715-881-0525.
The Arvid Miller Library-Museum is closed. The Language Classes will proceed as scheduled, being completed virtually. Emergency contact for Cultural Affairs is Heather Bruegl at 248-767-7309.
Internal Mail Services will be provided once a day, from 9am-1pm. Contact Simone Doxtater for assistance with the internal mail at 715-881-0627.
Food Distribution will be operational, hours of operation Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:30 pm.
Contact Jill Duffek at 715-793-4941. Dairy Products Distributions will continue Wednesdays, Check the for postings.
Elderly Services will be open with reduced services, meal delivery and well-being check. Elderly Services Contact number is 715-793-4236.
Economic Support will remain operational providing contactless application pick-ups and drop-offs. All phones will be forward to staff. Contact numbers: Crystal Malone at 715-793-4032, Rose Strege, 715-793-4862 and Roland Bierman at 715-793-4860.
Indian Child Welfare is available for emergency services. Contact Teresa Juga at 715-793-4580.
Family Social Worker/CST will be available for emergency services. Contact Miranda Vele at 715-793-3044.
OVW Service will be available for emergency services. Contact Kori Price at 715-793-4863.
Family Services will be closed to the public. Weekly lesson plans will continue to be delivered via video post. Kori Price will continue to deliver boxes on Fridays as usual. Kori Price can be contacted at 715-793-4905.
Medical Transport will continue to provide transports for critical care (dialysis, treatment, and heart), medication delivery and elder transport to the Stockbridge-Health &Wellness Clinic. For Transportation needs call 715-793-5040.
Child Support will operate at reduced services. Contact Gregg Duffek at 715-793-4036.
Environmental Office will be closed.
Ecology and Hydrology offices will be closed.
Enrollment Offices will be closed.
Mohican News will be open with reduced services. Contact Jeff Vele at 715-793-4388.
Stockbridge-Munsee Health and Wellness Center
Clinic operations for the next 2 weeks, September 25th through October 13th, 2020 will be 8:00am – 4:30pm. Patients will not be allowed in the building without an appointment. All patients will be required to answer symptom questions and have their temperatures taken before being allowed in the clinic. All patients will be required to wear a mask when in the building.
Department operations will be as follows:
Medical (providers and nurses) – will be available for reduced services, COVID-19 testing and flu vaccinations. Patients with non-respiratory illness / non-COVID-19 illness will be seen in the morning. Those with any symptoms that possibly could be COVID-19 will be seen in the afternoon. Call 715-793-5087 for appointments.
Lab and Radiology will be available as needed.
Dental – Dental will close down except for emergency dental needs. Call 715-793-5019 for appointments.
Behavior Health – Behavior Health will be open for telehealth appointments, and limited availability for in-person counseling. Call 715-793-3000 for appointments.
Pharmacy – Pharmacy will be open but will utilize a pharmacy runner system. Patients will not be allowed in Pharmacy; they will be required to use the pharmacy runner system to have medications delivered to them in the front of the building. Call 715-793-5027
Chiropractor – Chiropractor services will NOT be available.
Physical Therapy – Physical Therapy service will NOT be available. The clinic will utilize PRC when needed.
Community Health – Community Health services will be limited. Elder care will still be available but limited to those visits that are essential. Staff will call patients prior to visiting a patient to ask if the patient has any COVID symptoms. Dietician and Diabetic Education will be closed. Call 715-793-4144
Medical Records - Medical Records will be available by telephone to patients, but in a reduced capacity. Call 715-793-4144
Business Office – Business Office will be available by telephone to patients, but in a reduced capacity. Call 715-793-4144
PRC / Referrals - PRC / Referrals will be available by telephone to patients, but in a reduced capacity. Call 715-793-5011
Message from the Health Center: To all our patients, please stay home during this partial shutdown. If you do not absolutely need to leave your house, stay home! By doing so, you will help our more vulnerable community members stay safe. You may be saving someone’s life.
In response to Tribal Council’s Public Health Order 062-20, the Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Court will be limiting operations to telephonic hearings and electronic filings. Parties with hearings scheduled between September 25 – October 13, 2020 will use the call-in info located in the Notice of Hearing/Court Date previously provided to them. Filings must be submitted through the Court’s website under the “submit E-File Here” tab. Filing fees must be paid through the Court’s website under the “Tribal Court Filing Fee Payment” tab. Rules controlling E-filing and all court forms can found on the Court’s website. The Deputy Clerk of Courts may be reached by email at: [email protected].
Thank you,
Travis Miller, J.D.
Chief Judge
Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Court
Little Star Convenience Store Will be closing at 5:30 pm on September 24, 2020. Pay at pumps will be available. Tentative re-opening 6:00 am on October 13, 2020.
Mohican North Star Casino Will be closing at 5:30 pm on September 24, 2020. Tentative re-opening 6:00 am on October 13, 2020.