Resolution 014-21: COVID-19 Vaccine

December 8th, 2020

WHEREAS,     The Stockbridge-Munsee Community is a federally recognized Indian tribe governed by the Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Council pursuant to authority vested in the Council by a Constitution approved in November 1937, as amended;


WHEREAS,     The Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Council has the authority under its Constitution and its inherent rights as a sovereign nation to act on behalf of the Community;


WHEREAS,     Since March 15, 2020, the Tribe has been under a declared public health emergency due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic;


WHEREAS,     The COVID-19 pandemic has had serious impacts on the Tribe and its members that include serious illness and death, as well as shutdowns and limitations on tribal operations;


WHEREAS,     The Tribal Council recognizes that once COVID-19 vaccines are approved for use, there will be limited vaccine availability initially due to worldwide demand and production constraints;


WHEREAS,     The federal government requires the use of a phased distribution plan that establishes priorities for vaccination while vaccine availability is limited;


WHEREAS,     The Tribe has developed a phased distribution plan based on the approach recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that also incorporates tribal priorities and is directed toward tribal needs;                                                      ·


WHEREAS,     The Tribe's distribution plan, consistent with CDC recommendations, establishes the highest priority for the vaccination of healthcare personnel who work with patients and long-term care residents and workers are vaccinated first since they are at highest risk and ensure that the Tribe's health system can continue to function;


WHEREAS,     The distribution plan prioritizes the vaccination of employees who are essential to critical infrastructure such as emergency response employees, utilities, roads, healthcare operations, and food packaging and distribution;


WHEREAS,     The distribution plan also prioritizes the vaccination of community members who have factors that mean they are at higher risk of severe COVID-19 symptoms or who are 65 years of age or older;


WHEREAS,     The distribution plan next targets critical populations to the overall health of the community including tribal members by priority of age, the households of tribal members, Indian Health Service beneficiaries served at the Health Center, and tribal employees;


WHEREAS,     The Tribal Council recognizes the initial COVID-19 vaccines are a two (2) shot series which means a 2nd shot is required after an interval oftime (3-4 weeks depending on vaccine) and prioritizes providing people who received the 1st vaccine shot with their 2nd shot in a timely manner; and


WHEREAS,     The Tribal Council recognizes that information about COVID-19, its vaccines, and related regulatory issues are subject to change since this is a novel disease and the vaccines are newly developed, so that changes to the distribution plan may be appropriate over time.


NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Tribal Council adopts the Stockbridge-Munsee Community COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan Priorities and Plan (Plan);


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Tribal Council authorizes periodic updates and revisions to this Plan to be compliant with federal law and best medical guidance without additional Tribal Council approval.